Thursday, March 3, 2011


Please reassure me that LIFE GOES ON... I'm tired of waiting for nothing, I'm tired of being a regret, and I'm sure as heck tired of hurting individuals that I love. Love is to strong of a word for some... so I'll put "care for" instead.
Why does bad news come in pairs? And why do I always find myself in the same spot as I started?
I need sleep but I can't seem to grasp a hold of it. As I drove home tonight, I wished that I could just keep driving and never stop. NEVER! Not even for red lights. Haha Kidding(:
Sometimes I wish I had someone that I could just complain to. But, I realize that nobody cares what other people have to say, so that's why I made a blog, ha. They only care if it's about them, or if you're talking about them. That's why I acquired the ability to shut my mouth and listen. Man, my brain is a complete and utter mess.
The best nights of sleep I have ever gotten have been while I was sleeping under the stars. Wish I could right now... but currently it is raining.

To Do:

  • Change car oil
  • Try to submit late Microbiology homework
  • Go into work and get my device
  • Read
  • Get my priorities figured out

1 comment:

  1. 'Sometimes I wish I had someone that I could just complain to. But, I realize that nobody cares what other people have to say, so that's why I made a blog, ha. They only care if it's about them, or if you're talking about them. That's why I acquired the ability to shut my mouth and listen. Man, my brain is a complete and utter mess.'

    i just came to this realization about a month ago. it's really, really hard to get to the accept it, shut up and listen stage. i think my vanity is struggling with the idea that no one wants to listen to my thoughts.
